Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011

Everyone sometimes wanna do this

Haha yeah. I'm gonna do this too. Because when Ariana was following everyone who tweeted her #FollowMeAriana I was sleeping and I wasn't able to tweet her! Ahhh
That's really embarassing but I'll never gonna lose the hope that she will follow me once. 

Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2011

Trending failed

If you are on twitter and a Ariana fan I think you know that we wanted to trend "FrankieTheBest"
Everything was alright, everybody tweeted. Then Ariana came online! 
I don't want to say that I was disappointed that she came,
but then she made a tweetattack! Yay! It would have been so cool, 
when they didn't forget to tweet it.. 
I'm so sad now, that it failed. Really. Only 3 guys tried to trend it. 

Oh, Please don't think that I hate Ari for that. :) I love her anyway :)